
Greed v. Results

What is the real reason I do what I do?
“Why the answer to this question ensures you will get job offers.”

Most, if not all, Resume Writers write resumes to earn money. Would any of them refute this declaration? In fact, nor would I. Like the very people that hire resume writers, they want to get a job, so they can “earn money, or “to receive compensation for the skills and services they provide; and, to be more succinct, “for the solutions they provide.”

Does anyone actually disagree?

Factually, we all work to earn money, so we can provide for ourselves and our families to enjoy the many pleasures that life offers, accumulate emergency funds, and provide for retirement and our children’s education; if, in fact, we have children for whom to provide and more.

Does anyone actually disagree with this, as well?

But then, I ask; is compensation the only reason(s) why we want to work? For example, might we work to fulfill a passion, achieve a goal, help others, set records, or anything that earns emotional “compensation” or gratification?

I used the word “compensation” because there are many forms of “compensation.” Most think of “compensation” as the money received by an employee from an employer as salary or wages. “Compensation” might also be something, typically money, awarded to someone as compensation for loss, injury, or suffering; “seeking compensation for injuries suffered at work” However, for The Resume Store and me, “compensation” is not solely about money.

Yes, it’s true; I don’t give my services and skills away for free. In addition to overhead, I also have dreams, goals and the desire for the pleasures that life has to offer. However, I have a great deal of talent in many other fields of endeavor. If all I want is “money,” I can think of many choices that will provide a higher level of compensation that is achieved from writing resumes and cover letters.

So why, then, do I persist with this choice? My reasons have a whole lot more to do with results than money. Because I care so deeply about the results of my efforts, I try harder to see that they are achieved. When I say results, I speak not of results for which I benefit directly; I speak of results that benefit my customers; that they get quick, quality interview invitations; that because they participate in many exciting interviews, they, as a result of interviewing well (not everyone interviews well), earn quality offers of employment in a timely fashion.

Money; well, I’m okay in the finances department. But, for me, the real motivation for being a resume writer is the emotional gratification I feel when “clients” (no longer just customers) call to tell me that they’ve been offered and accepted a new job; that their employment goals have been met!

This news reinforces my belief in my ability to provide quality results-oriented products and services. It’s not about pen to paper and compensation; it’s about doing something significant to help others “provide for themselves and their families to enjoy the many pleasures that life offers, accumulate emergency funds, and provide for retirement and their children’s education; if, in fact, they have children for whom to provide and more.”

I’ve told you what drives me; now, how about you tell me what drives you? Isn’t that what the interviewers you face what to know of you? If you can answer this question for me, and I can translate what drives you within your resume and cover letter; then, isn’t it logical that if you can communicate what drives you and how what drives you will provide the solutions for which; they so desperately seek, that you will have a strong advantage over your competition?

My name is Arnie Sherr, and I own and operate The Resume Store. If the above is what you want in your resume and resume writer, then The Resume Store is your only viable choice. You will not likely receive this level of expertise and wisdom elsewhere. The only question left to answer is, how much will it cost? A simple phone call will answer that question! (727) 219-0177 or (800) 729-7446

The call is free, and consultations are free, too.

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